ATS Racing is Proud to bring you the ECUMASTER EMU! Supplied with an ATS Racing Start-up Map FREE!! If you bought your EMU from another dealer Click Here
ECUMASTER EMU is an advanced engine management system. It controls all aspects of the engine, and provides emergency procedures in case of sensor failure. Using the latest technology in the field of electronics and software, the device has a very high potential and attractive price. It is capable of running anything from stock to full aftermarket 3SGTE using the available PNP adapter developed for ATS Racing. In addition to the options below, The EMU is capable of map switching, or true Flex-fuel operation, with dual cold start WUE, ASE, VE, Timing, and Boost tables for perfect operation no matter what Ethanol content. It has a built-in Wideband controller, VVTi control (Turbo Beams anyone?), Drive By Wire Throttle, Launch Control, Flat Shift, Antilag etc...
ECUMASTER ANDROID DASH available in Google Play!
ECUMASTER DASHBOARD connects to ECUMASTER EMU engine management system via BT module, showing real time data of critical engine parameters. All data also could be stored to log file for further analysis.
ATS has already developed and tested base maps for Gen2, Gen3, and Gen4 3SGTE engines. Remote tuning available if you purchase the optional Wideband kit. PNP is available for Gen2, Gen3, and Gen4/Beams. The Gen4 PNP with some minor changes will operate the 1zz-fe and 2zz-fe. If you are swapping in a Gen5, have Doug at Wiregap build your harness with Gen4 ECU connectors.
Team viewer link for Remote tuning: http://get.teamviewer.com/atsracing
AutoTune, Flex Fuel, Boost Control, Knock control, True VE based Fueling
Technical details
6 fuel injector outputs (5A)
6 AUX outputs (5A)
6 ignition outputs -passive or active coil(s) software selectable (7A)
4 stepper motor outputs - bipolar/unipolar (1A)
2 EGT direct inputs
2 knock sensor inputs, and uses modern "donut style" flat response sensors
Built-in wide band lambda controller LSU 4.2, or will accept 0-5v from any other standalone wideband system
Built-in map sensor 400kPa (3bar or 43.5 PSI)
Built-in barometric pressure sensor
4 digital inputs VR/HALL – software selectable
3 dedicated analogue inputs (TPS, CLT, IAT)
4 additional configurable analogue inputs (0-5V)
compliance with ISO 7637
support 1-12 cylinders
max rpm 16000
injection time resolution 16us (.016ms)
ignition advance resolution 0.5 deg
knock sensing 1-20 kHz Using Donut-style flat response sensors
Speed Density, Alpha-N algorithm
VE Table 16x20, resolution 0.1% VE
Ignition Table 16x20, resolution 0.5 deg
AFR Target table 16x20, resolution 0,1 AFR
Injector voltage compensation calibration, charge temp estimate, 3 fueling modes based on Lambda or AFR
coil dwell calibration
user calibrated IAT, CLT
PID idle control strategy, DC error correction, Ignition timing correction, AC idle up correction, VE correction
Boost control (open or closed loop), Gear, Speed and/or RPM dependant strategies, with trims for coolant, IAT, EGT, and Ethanol content. (We like to use the gear sensor input for dash selectable boost trim)
Idle control using stock MR2 IACV
Aux outputs for fuel pumps, rad fan, Main relay, Parametric outputs for TVIS, EGR ...
Race Car Features: Launch control, gear dependent Boost control, shift light output, flat shift, Antilag, Traction Control, and Pit limiter.
Logs all ECU parameters, and recorded log can be used with Autotune
Output for check engine light
USB communication - no additional interface needed
User friendly software with free firmware upgrades. Every table in the EMU can be saved individually, and dropped in to any tune.
manual and support is built-in to the software
24 month warranty
PC Requirements:
To properly work with the EMU device, the following minimum is required.
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Screen resolution of at least 1024x768 16bit
CPU with a clock speed of at least 600MHz,
USB port.
We will configure your PNP adapter for options selected at check-out. Wideband, Flex Fuel, and knock sensing require additional sensors and/or hardware, and those necessary components are included in the optional kits below. MR2-specific install/set-up guide included with purchase.
Remote tuning now available for ECUMaster ECUs from ATS. The price is $500 and includes up to 5 hours of tuning time. This is done using Teamviewer software, a wifi connection and a phone connection (cell phone recomended).